Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Gotcha Day . . . One Year As A Family!!!

I feel like today has been just as emotional as the day we first met Julia Ann. As many of you know our adoption story is not over as we continue to wait to bring home our second little girl from China, Brooke Lynn Faith. I tried to focus today on all the things on our plate, while still planning a special day for Julia Ann, but, alas, we were left with nothing fancy, no balloons, no streamers, no presents, just time together as a family and, in the end, this is what this day was truly all about, FAMILY!

Over the past year we have faced many challenges and walked through many valleys, but God has been with us every step of the way and we have found a lot of healing and hope along the way. That said, I can barely remember what our family was like before Julia Ann was a part of it. I love how we can look back and see how God chose her specifically for our family and then to watch it play out and continually get confirmation that she is a perfect fit.

Julia Ann is adventurous, giggly, sweet, spunky, and full of life. She definitely keeps us on our toes, but also helps us to stop and enjoy a lot of things in life that we would not have otherwise noticed. I love that she wants to fall asleep in my arms each night. I love that she has a passion for singing and dancing and adds her own flare to everything. I love that she wants to dress up all the time and get her hair done and I especially love how this has helped her to bond so well to her sisters.

Can you see the spunk? :) 

I can't believe it has already been a year; time has literally flown by, but it also feels like she has been here forever. If you would have asked us a few years ago what life would look like now, I could have never imagined something so amazing and I would have told you that we could never do anything like this. Thankfully God is so much bigger than us and He knows so much better than we do what is good for us. 

Thank you God for all that you have done for us, for our daughters, and for our family. I can honestly say that God has blessed us beyond measure, not with worldly treasures, but with something so much more important, children.

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