Friday, March 1, 2013

A Gift!!!


What, you ask, is the above . . . well, another gift from God!!! This wonderful old barn came into our lives through craigslist. While searching for a wood dresser, a random post about this barn popped up, or rather God put it in my path. After emailing back and forth with the owners about the wood and discussing why we wanted it (for an adoption fundraiser in which I will be making signs) they decided to DONATE all we wanted to take!!! 

I couldn't believe it! Not only had God answered my prayer for finding wood to make up signs to sell at our garage sale, but he had walked before us and worked on this wonderful family's hearts to donate this to our cause! I am amazed and humbled by the generosity of others that don't even know us and their willingness to help us bring our girls home!

And to boot . . . this is the view we had as we worked this afternoon: 


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Marnie you hit the gold mine - I am soo excited for you! Cant wait to see what you make with this <3 I just love that I get to read your blog from start and see how God unfolds this adoption journey that you and your family are on . God definitely loves you and is blessing you in this faithfulness to trust in Him <3
